Rawfacts Notes

Rawfacts Notes

Focus is the ability to limit your distractions and pay attention to only one thing that matters.

Ideas don’t come out fully formed, they only become clearer when you work on them, you just have to get started, keep going.
Good intention is not enough.
You must have good orientation,
Good decision,
Good actions,
Good expectations.

In the journey of life, a lot of things will happen that will change our lives, forever.

Confident people are not really the fearless, they are those who try against all odds.

Never forget who you are, it gives you clarity about life.
Never deny who you’re, it keeps you on track.
Never accept who you’re not, it destroys your joy.

Own yourself
Love yourself
Respect yourself
Accept your flaws
Rebirth yourself.

Never let go what is most important to you!

Don’t be proud, you need people.
Don’t be deceived, you need God!

I’m boundless!

I Am Rawfacts
Shots by: @thefemilabi

#Thespian #Acting #Passion #Creativity #Creativearts #Gospel #Storytelling #Story #Writer #Play #Playwritter #Inspiration #Motivation #Rawfacts #RawfactsnotesIMG-20190922-WA0000

Who is watching your back?

Who’s watching your back?

Leading the race is intriguing,
Being a champion is joyful,
Amidst the glory and accolades
Who’s watching your back?
You’re more vulnerable when you’re the forerunner,
Navigating a new path can be challenging,
Whenever you’re defeated,
After you failed,
After you fell,
Who, who watched your back?
When you missed your turns,
When you left no stone unturned,
Yet, a stone turned after the turning,
Do you have anyone behind you?
Who’s watching your back?
After leaving your success imprints on the sand of times,
With all your efforts and sacrifices,
Who’ll watch your back when you’re gone?
Who? Who’s watching your steps
Being alone is good but loneliness is danger alert,
You can do good all by yourself,
You might just be too bad for yourself, alone.
Who’s your support system
Who’s your trusted ally?
Who picks you up whenever you fall?
Who’s watching your back?
(C) Rawfacts 2019. Continue reading Who is watching your back?


Make Effort-Day 15,May 2017.
“Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” ( Hebrews 12 : 14 NIV )

Truth be told, attaining peaceful living with everyone is tasking. It takes discipline, maturity, courage, love and efforts in achieving it but it’s possible. Sometimes, its like people are out there just to frustrate and trouble you.

The writer of Hebrews book admonished us to make every effort to ensure we live in peace with all men (male and female). Peaceful living starts from avoiding discussion that can instigate coalition with your neighbour, peaceful living is letting go even though it hurts, peaceful living is forgiving though underserving, peaceful living is obeying God?

Reflection: You gain more when you embark in peaceful living.

Affirmation: I live peacefully with my everyone, I have the courage and strength to forgive and let go. Shalom.

Till I cross your path again, remember His Word is a Living Word.#Rawfacts

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David Enquired

David Enquired-Day 9,May 2017.
“And David enquired at the LORD, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.” ( Samuel 1 30 : 8 KJV)

I wonder what a man would have such a level patience and self control to still ask God what to do amidst the pressures and calamity that befell them. A rational man will swing into actions without second thought.

And it also sounds irrational for David to still be asking wether to fight or not when the whole community had been invaded including his family. But the rational(natural) man can’t receive anything from God. Even in calamity, God is ready to guide if we care to obey.

Reflection: When you’re not sure, ask God.

Affirmation: Lord, I receive wisdom to do the right time. I have patience, self control and sensitive to your voice in any circumstances. Shalom

Till I cross your path again,remember His Word is a Living Word.#Rawfacts

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God is Involved

God Is Involved-Day 9, May 2017.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” ( Psalm 34 : 19 KJV )

A prisoner may never know all what it takes to bring him out of the prison. Whoever has been to the battle field will value safety and cautions. Daily, we fight battles; known and unknown, internal and external but in spite of it all-God is involved.

We’re where we’re today because God had been involved from beginning. He’s been delivering us from every seemingly destructive circumstances that comes our way. Wherever you go, whatever you do, and however you manage your situation remember that God is involved and ready to deliver you. Do not panic.

Reflection: God’s Mighty Hands are able to safe.

Affirmation: I have a Father that will never fail me. My God is able to safe and deliver me today and always. I’m sensitive to His leading.

Till I cross your path again,remember His Word is a Living Word.#Rawfacts

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The Fallen Mighty!

Fallen Mighty 1.jpgThe Fallen Mighty

How are the mighty fallen?
Or rather why are the mighty falling?
They are the epitome of strength and courage
They are the emblem of vigour and confidence
They are the inspiration of the weak and despair
They are the arms to the armless
The are the mighty
Yet, they fall!
The fallen mighty of our time!

Why are the mighty falling?
Confidence brews in their marrow
Their fragrance is not cologne but motivation.
They don’t dread obstacles, they step on them to the next phase.
They don’t procrastinate their victory, they do it now.
They don’t doubt their breakthrough, they launch with all their capacity.
They are the voice to the voiceless.
They’re the mighty!
Yet, they fall!
The fallen mighty of our time.

Why are the mighty falling?
Without them our security is at stake
Without them our inspiration is shattered
Without them our hope is gone
Without them we become vulnerable to attacks.
Without them our souls weary too soon.
Without them we become less driven.
Without them we’re void of help.
They are the vision to the visionless
They are the mighty.
Yet, they fall.
The fallen mighty of our time.

Really, how are the mighty falling?
Maybe they forgot that the frog ought leap with caution
Maybe they forgot that the chameleon ought to transform with carefulness.
Maybe they forgot that the eagle ought to fly with caveat.
Maybe they forgot that the elephant ought to walk a step at a time.
Maybe they forgot that the lions also have enemies.
Maybe they forgot that inside every giant lies a fragile being that constantly needs protection.
They are the hope to the hopeless.
They are the mighty!
Yet, they fall!
The fallen mighty of our time.

Why are the mighty falling?
The mighty  are those that serve as a shield for us.
The mighty are the ones that constantly fight our battles.
The mighty are the ones that helps out when everyone deserted us.
The might are the ones that cares when no one does.
The mighty are the ones that sticked to us when we were in mess
The mighty are the ones we easily run to when we’re out of options.
The mighty are the ones that give us smile in exchange of our tears.
The mighty are the ones that refuse to let us go in spite of our inadequacies.
The mighty are God’s blessing to us.
Anybody can fall, including the mighty.
If they can be there for us in our weakness, let’s be there for them in their mess.
The Fallen Mighty
They walk on the broken pieces of their esteem till they’re restored!

After the mighty had fallen, they only need two things from us.
Our prayer, Our care.

I Am Rawfacts.
I make a positive difference.
Till I cross your path again, remember to make a difference.


All the Jews

All the Jews-Day 6, May 2017.
“… and held in high esteem by his many fellow Jews, because he worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare of all the Jews.” ( Esther 10 : 3 NIV )

God place us in different places for different reasons. He empowers us so that others can be empowered through us. He blessed for the welfare of everyone around us. Its a bitter truth that we must all embrace, all of us! Mordecai was exalted because of the Jews and for the Jews.

At every opportunity we have to impact lives, lets do it without delay. Every impact we make today will wait for us tomorrow. “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.”Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” ( Philippians 2 : 3-4 )

Reflection: Let love motivate you.

Affirmation: I lead with love, I Iive to love. I do good for the benefit of all. I’m driven by impact and not selfish interest.

Till I cross your path again, remember His Word is a Living Word.#Rawfacts

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For the Good

For the Good-Day 4, May 2017.
“… and held in high esteem by his many fellow Jews, because he worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare of all the Jews.” ( Esther 10 : 3 NIV )

Mordecai was highly regarded in his community not because of his status and rank in the government systems but because of his selfless acts, sacrifice and impact he created among his fellow people and foreigners.

When we’re driven with a desire, determination for the good of others without selfish interest. We’ll live in harmony and peace. A daily smile to a weary soul, a helping hand to a falling neighbour, a little grant to a needy fellow, a prayer for our friends are what makes us impactful.

Reflection: Start contributing values to people around you.

Affirmation: I’m impactful, I live a legacy for people and I contribute values in the society. Shalom.

Till I cross your path again, remember His Word is a Living Word.#Rawfacts

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High Esteem

High Esteem-Day 3, May 2017.
“… and held in high esteem by his many fellow Jews, because he worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare of all the Jews.” ( Esther 10 : 3 NIV )

Impact brings influence, influence brings esteem and esteem brings respect. All these builds a legacy in people. In life, what matters are not  the mundane things  we acquire, but the lasting legacy we build in people through our selfless acts.

A man that wants his name on the sand of time will either contribute positively or negatively to the society. The latter has regret, shame and pain while the former (positive) has joy, blessing, praise and impact. Choose a path today that will bring you high esteem.

Reflection: When you’re driven by impact, you’re exceptional.

Affirmation: I live impactfully, I build lasting legacies in people and for people. I’m a change agents.

Till I cross your path again, remember His Word is a Living Word.#Rawfacts

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Without Fear

Without Fear-Day 2, May, 2017.
“but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.”” ( Proverbs 01 : 33 NIV )

Both Obedience and disobedience have something in common-“Consequences”. In demonstrating obedience, there’s a consequence for every of our actions and vice versa. A Sheep with a deafening ears to her shepherd will become a prey for the enemies.

We can’t form obedience, its an action that has great recompense.Abraham obeyed and got the nation, David obeyed and got the throne, Joseph obeyed and got the palace,Paul obeyed and got the gospel, Jesus obeyed and got us salvation. Obedience pays.

Reflection: Its better to listen than to argue.

Affirmation: I have a listening ear, I daily walk in obedience towards God’s command. I have a great reward of my obedience. Shalom

Till I cross your path again, remember His Word is a Living Word. #Rawfacts

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